Get What You Intend! 

“One of the greatest books on personal development I have ever read.” 

- TV

Nobody wants to be controlled and feel uncertain with all the changes that happens around them. I think what you really want is to have as much control to your life as possible. But the thing is that most of the people are controlled by outside situations and they feel helpless. They feel like they have no other choice. 

That is the issue at the heart of the latest release from NLP Trainer and Hypnotherapist Toni Vallenius, whose work in personal development and hypnotherapy has resulted in breakthroughs such as the invention of The 4LOC Method, which will skyrocket the old school manifestation process and ultimately lead to personal freedom.

"The 4LOC Method will reveal how you can use 

four different levels of control to get what you want."

Now, inside The Intention Game book, you will discover the exact methods by which you can control almost any outside situation from within. The common problem is that people try hard to work through their lives but never get anywhere. But only a few people understand that it's NOT what you do but how you do it that makes all the difference. If you want to know why things aren't working as they should, why nearly everyone gets it wrong, and what you, the reader, can do about it, read this book.

You wouldn’t normally call a book on creating true personal freedom a "page turner," but that’s exactly what the intention game is.

Over these pages, you’ll learn:

  • How to create paradise on earth and get what you want.
  • The ultimate guide for superfast manifestation to a better, healthier, wealthier, and happier life!
  • This is where mystical teachings, science, and hard-core reality finally connect.
  • What if there was a way to get almost everything you wanted through words?
  • How to get things to go as you like them to go without resistance (pages 26–37) Riding With The Universe's Laws)
  • What wisdom, freedom, and the good-life mean to you—and how to use them (pages 77–90)
  • Why manifestation and think and grow rich may NOT be what it seems 
  • The one simple idea some of the world's leaders don’t want you to know (page 15 the Awakening)
  • And much more…

Inside The Intention Game Book: 

Chapter 2: Stories and Metaphors to Install Superhuman Capabilities

Introducing a subconscious story that releases you from the self-limiting thought patterns and the effects of dealing with it. You’ll get a broad overview of the issues covered in the book, as well as how it affects those suffering from being stuck or not getting what you want.

  • Is there a creator or did everything started with a big bang?
  • The difference between heaven and earth

Chapter 3: Riding With The Laws of The Universe

In this chapter, Toni Vallenius goes on to describe the main complications of why most people struggle to get what they want, and why most common methods of manifesting often fail to produce any beneficial results.

  • How boring becomes your greatest superpower
  • Simple game plan to get whatever it is you want by instantly applying the unseen laws of the universe
  • How to turn your next failure into a MASSIVE SUCCESS

Chapter 4: The Truth Will Set You Free

Technically, anyone should be able to achieve personal freedom, and yet so few people have any real success. So, if the vast majority of people are getting it wrong, what does that mean for you? In this chapter, Toni Vallenius describes how the discovery of true alignment led to the method called 4LOC, which he used to solve his own ordeal of struggling to get things as he wanted them for good—and how you can, too.

  • Finally, achieve a personal freedom without any limitations
  • Something they forgot to teach you in schools
  • Could pure intention be your master key to success?

Chapter 5: How to turn your life’s worst day into your life’s best day?

Almost every human being should be able to feel good without any reason at all, and yet so few people can do that. In this chapter, Toni Vallenius describes how the discovery of total mind control led to the different "brainercises" that he is using to change any situation he is facing in life - and how you can, too.

  • Hidden law of creation
  • The power of question is in the outcome
  • Controller to your inner world
  • Two most important rules of life

Chapter 5: What Is Reality?

What is it that you enjoy the most? Do you know what I enjoy the most? This may sound weird, but the thing that I enjoy the most are my thoughts. And let me reveal a thing or two about the so-called reality you are in...

  • Implanting false memories
  • Something you need to know about your life

Chapter 6: 4LOC (4 Levels Of Communication) This is NEW version of LOA (Law of Attraction), and it should be called 4LOA (Four Levels Of Attraction).

Everyone knows about manifestation, but almost no one talks about why it's not working as well as it should. Every guru tells you that you need to be aligned with the universe to instantly get what you want, but no one tells you how to exactly become aligned. This is the missing link you have been searching for!


“Potenti nullam ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare. Turpis egestas integer eget aliquet nibh praesent.”

FirstName LastName

“Potenti nullam ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare. Turpis egestas integer eget aliquet nibh praesent.”

FirstName LastName

“Potenti nullam ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare. Turpis egestas integer eget aliquet nibh praesent.”

FirstName LastName

If you want the definitive text on manifesting your dream life with the latest ideas on combating the effects of struggling through life, or if you want a simple, straightforward way to align yourself with the universe and get what you want while avoiding all the woo woo nonsense, then look no further than The Intention Game. 

Available now!

Chapter 7: Welcoming the matrix

What would GOD do? Finally enter the paradise on earth...

“After 20+ years of struggling through life, I found the master key to a wildly successful life.” 

- a Clinical Hypnotherapist

Toni Christian Vallenius

Discover how to apply the 4LOC method created by a former clinical hypnotherapist to align yourself with the universe, so that you can have what you want...finally revealed!

You Can Now Choose To Control or Be Controlled

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The World Has Changed a Lot & Tomorrow Is at Your Hands

People Are Divided Into Two Types & This Book Will Help You Become 

The Creator Type: 

Unlock Even More Value! Get FREE Access to Our Exclusive Online Course:

The Power of Words: Creating Your Reality Through Conscious Language:


Ready to transform your life even further? 

As a special bonus for purchasing The Intention Game Book, we’re giving you FREE access to mini-online course that will take your growth and success to the next level!

(norm. $27 FREE)

Here’s What You’ll Get in the Online Course:

MODULE 1: The Power of Words

  • Discover how the language you use every day is shaping your reality and learn how to harness it for greater success.

MODULE 2: Mind Viruses

  • Spot and eliminate the sneaky thoughts and beliefs that sabotage your growth and keep you stuck.

MODULE 3: Rewriting Your Internal Script

  • Learn how to replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones and transform your internal dialogue.

MODULE 4: Who We Are

  • Dive deep into self-awareness and explore your true potential by understanding who you really are at your core.

MODULE 5: The Most Powerful Shifts

  • Experience powerful breakthroughs by embracing simple yet life-changing shifts in your mindset and behavior.

MODULE 6: How to Eliminate the Mind Viruses

  • Equip yourself with practical tools and strategies to clear away negative thoughts and mental barriers.

MODULE 7: Living as a Conscious Creator

  • Step into your role as a conscious creator of your life, aligning your words, thoughts, feelings and actions with your highest goals.

Bonus #3 Affirmation Reflections: 

Today I Can Change My Future Manifestation Statement 

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You’ll learn how to:

  • Replace limiting beliefs with empowering new ones that unlock your full potential.
  • Master your internal language to consciously shape your reality.
  • Let go of struggle and embrace effortless success by aligning your words, thoughts, and actions.
  • Experience personal growth without leaving your comfort zone—growth can be easy and enjoyable!

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NLP Trainer, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Life Style Investor

Toni Vallenius has started two companies and is helping to start a non-profit organization as one of its founding members.

"Life is too short to not live it on your own terms."

I was in my late 20s when I realized that almost everything I was doing was not because I really wanted it but because my life was controlled from the outside. It felt like every decision had been made for me without my asking.

Luckily, reading books and developing my knowledge accidentally led me into the world of hypnosis. Soon enough I started to realize how big part our mind plays out in our life. Also, little did I know how much a simple word can craft our reality.

Once I started to realize that there truly is real magic existing in this world, I was immediately sucked into the world of manifestation, hypnosis, personal development, and NLP.

I furiously searched for the holy grail of personal freedom and the keys to paradise on earth, so that I could design my own destiny. I wanted to be in control.

This has led me to spend more than 10+ years reading every book I can, learning from every mentor and successful person I can, to a point where my personal awakening happened.

Suddenly, all the pieces started to fall into the right places, and the most beautiful picture started to emerge. That picture of love, kindness, happiness, and wisdom has now become a reality, and that reality is something I want to offer as many people as possible. So that together, you and me - we can live in paradise on earth.


The Best Will Manifest Using The 4LOC Method


At first I want you to understand why I even wrote this book:

From the desk of Toni Vallenius, 

I originally wrote this book for my daughter because I wanted her to know the most important thing there is in life. I wanted her to learn everything I know about how the world works. How to be as happy and blissful as I am almost all the time. 

I wanted her to be able to get out of blaming, victimhood, hatred, envy, and all the negativity that runs unconsciously among many people. I wanted to teach her how she can control every situation she faces, so that people she hangs out are turning kind and supportive to make her desires met.

This is the gift you will discover when you realize how to control almost every external situation from within. This is the gift of word and intention that can be used to re-create our reality when mastering the game of intention.

This book and knowledge were originally designed to be my legacy to my daughter so that she can be a better human being and continue the holy work of improving other people's lives.

She has already learned a lot, and she almost never complains about anything. She is always happy, and she knows that she can have almost anything she wants. Not because her dad is rich or her mother is so pleasant to be around or because her friends are supportive and make her laugh, BUT because she knows the secret. The secret of manifesting the life she desires. And she also understands the laws of physics. How her mind and body work and how the world works.

The thing is that she will be 9 years old in 2022, so I had to transform all my knowledge that I have gathered over the past decade - of studying the most successful people in the world into the most simple, understandable, and applicable form possible. So simple and understandable that it just "clicks" immediately when you read it. I needed this book to be practical, not science fiction, and to be so practical that even a 9-year-old could understand it while also being insightful enough that a 99-year-old would be enlightened.

As I wrote this book with the intention of "doing as much good to as many people as possible," I realized that these secrets needed to be revealed to the entire world. This book became just a stepping stone for the next level of human beings and a better life for all. 

So again, who is this for? 

This is for those people who didn't get the universe's user manual when they were born. 

This is for those people who are ready to move on from pain and discomfort.

This is for those who wish for a better life.

This is for those who want to reveal the real magic in the world.

This is for those who want to take total control of their lives and have fun while living.

This is also for those who are good manifestors but want to shorten the cap it takes between a thought and physical manifestation. 


The Intention Game Book - Get What You Intend

FREE BONUS: Today I Can Change My Future Manifestation

FREE BONUS: The Power of Words: Creating Your Reality Through Conscious Language - miniOnline Course + Mini eBook

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WARNING! These bonuses are only available if you invest through this website.

How a former clinical hypnotherapist uses 4LOC Method to control the outside world within - and how you can too

A Practical Guide to Take Full Control Of Your Destiny and Live a Life of Freedom

BONUS #2 Gain a Deeper and Deeper Understanding

Are you ready to break free from limiting beliefs and create the life you've always dreamed of? 

Unlock the true potential of your mind and start living with confidence, purpose, and clarity by mastering the power of your words!

In this mini eBook, you’ll get more in-depth exercises and practices that are not included in the online course, so we can work from every angle to make your life even easier!